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Robert Odland

AICP, JD President, Robert Odland Consulting

Robert Odland Consulting
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Bob Odland is a land-use planner and attorney with over 25 years experience in development regulations, general plans, environmental management, and inter-governmental relations. He has been project manager for eight comprehensive plans, more than 20 zoning ordinances, and numerous other planning and regulatory projects.

His expertise in both law and urban planning enables him to deal with both the planning and legal staff in the transition from planning policy to legal language. Bob has had extensive experience in working with urban designers and architects to translate design concepts for mixed uses, infill development, and transit- and pedestrian-friendly communities into reality.

After having established a successful consulting practice in California, Bob moved to New Mexico in 1999, where he opened an office in Santa Fe. He received his planning and law degrees from the University of California at Berkeley and is a member of the Federal Bar and California Bar, American Bar Association, American Institute of Certified Planners, American Planning Association, Congress for the New Urbanism, and Association of Environmental Professionals.

Bob’s firm Robert Odland Consulting has demonstrated the ability to bridge the gap between innovative concepts and effective implementation programs. Many of these concepts, such as sustainable development, smart growth, and new urbanism, often suffer a disconnect between rhetoric and action.