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Our Services focus on land use planning & community development, and organization development & management…developing sustainable communities and highly effective organizations and teams

Land Use Planning & Community Development

Commercial/Residential Planning & Sustainable Development >>
AForrest & Associates provides support for development of residential and commercial real estate development. We assist in pre-planning, environmental assessment and compliance, economic feasibility, permit processing, developer agreements. We work with all parties to build projects which integral to the interest of the community and create a sustainable projects. Our experience includes difficult coastal habitat sensitive developments as well as the challenge of preparing for Traditional Neighborhood Design and New Urbanism oriented projects. Our team member Robert Odland is one of the nation’s foremost experts in sustainability, zoning, and land use.

Natural Resource Conservation >>
Commitment to the natural heritage of our community is part of AForrest & Associates values and approach in Sustainability. We provide environmental initial assessments and studies, environmental impact reports, mitigated negative declarations, coastal plan consistency, mitigation monitoring programs. We are experienced in CEQA and NEPA, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Section 7 Consultations, and other resource guideline requirements. Team member Alan Forrest is a key resource in the Monterey Bay region of these issues.

Historic Preservation >>
Both practical and technical describe AForrest & Associates services for the preservation, rehabilitation, and renovation of historic buildings and property. We provide assessments of historic building and environmental to meet federal, state, and local compliance. Our first love is the actual renovation of historic homes where we get our hands dirty to save our heritage, including Victorian homes and even Bed & Breakfasts. We can assist builders, developers, and government agencies
in this dynamic process.

Land Use Planning & Environment Assessment >>
Since 1970, AForrest & Associates have been working in land use issues. Our experience even goes back to the assisting with design of the 1972 Coastal Act all the way to help craft the land use for reuse of the former Fort Ord military base. All of this is done with a critical eye to its impact on the environment and economy. We have assisted local planning departments, developers, and regional agencies with land use planning and conservation of natural resources and protecting our environment.

General & Specific Planning >>
AForrest & Associates prepares general and specific/area plan elements or updates; achieving development of difficult of conservation and development projects in coastal zone; military base reuse planning; and most recently work in Sustainability and New Urbanism planning and design, as well as alternative transportation/land use planning.

Alternative Transportation Planning >>
AForrest & Associates provides successful management of planning and development of alternative transportation systems including improving local transit system design and resulting in increased ridership and mobility. Successful development of transit-oriented/livable communities land use and circulation general plan guidelines; implementation of welfare reform and commuter transportation innovations, especially regional issues with land use and community design.


Organization Development & Human Resource Training >>
AForrest & Associates uses the power of the newest research on human learning and the evolution of organizations. Our team member Cliff Shaffran is one of the leading consultants to private and public organizations, internationally, in the field of strategic planning, organizational change, and meeting facilitation. We have organized innovative project management processes, designed, planned, and implemented hundreds of seminars and interventions for public and private organizations, including workshops and seminars in strategic planning, organization development, communication, motivation, problem solving, and high-level strategic meetings.

Grant Writing and Alternative Funding >>
AForrest & Associates is successful in researching, writing, and winning public and private grants. Having been part of the grant writing team at the University of Southern California,Alan Forrest is experienced in high-level grant preparation, site visits, and final approval and management. Grant awards include funding from the Environmental Protection Agency to local community fund raising. The projects range from roadway infrastructure, habitat conservation and rehabilitation, to alternative transportation , and administration of justice. See our Projects list for a full picture.

Resort/Inn Management & Operations >>
After completing rehabilitation and renovation of the Old St. Angela Inn in Pacific Grove, Alan Forrest assumed management of this historic Inn, along with extensive marketing, sales, and community relations’ responsibility. Prior to the St. Angela, Alan managed the Mission Ranch and the Hotel Pacific.

AForrest & Associates are consultants in sustainability specializing in community and organization development. We focus on land use and urban planning, commercial and residential project development, environmental and historic assessment, natural resource conservation, and transportation planning, strategic planning, learning organizations and total quality management (TQM) principals. For over 30 years AForrest & Associates have been assisting public agencies and private businesses with issue analysis, creative solutions, leadership, and implementation strategies.

AForrest & Associates serve the following groups and organizations:

* Land Use Development, Real Estate & Architecture Firms
* Community Development Public Agencies
* Environmental Groups
* Historical Preservation Groups
* Business Improving Management & Strategic Outcomes;
* Non-Profit Organizations
* Transportation & Transit Agencies
* Land Use & Transportation Planning Firms

Our skills are working with groups to accurately scope projects and implementation plans, manage conflicts, evaluate and analysis issues, and lead action steps.

We utilize cutting-edge strategic and synergistic planning skills and interactive tools focusing on leadership, learning organizations, total quality, and creative problem solving and project management.

We build commitment by strengthening relationships with one another, our institutions, and our community.